Saturday, October 22, 2011

Foals Bread - Readalong- Chapter Eight to Chapter Nineteen

Hi guys! Sorry for the late post, it totally slipped my mind
So, spoiler alert just in case

I'm finding it difficult to read this book, I don't do well with the real or the nitty gritty which is what this book is definitely becoming.

Roley is finally bed ridden, unable to walk and bitter and desolate because of it. I felt Mears did a great job with the writing in terms of his despair and condition, which is why it made it so hard to read because it was so realistic. Having seen one of my own family members deteriorate, not in the same manner, it hit very close to home. Of course it greatly affects the rest of his family, Noah and Lainey especially. Noah and he don't talk, and have trouble conveying their feelings and so Roley dies leaving their relationship bitter, which is so sad since it was once so sweet. When Angus, hit on her I honestly thought she would go with it, and was surprised when she didn't.

Noah turns to drinking and develops a serious problem, and becomes jealous of Lainey. Lainey, seems to be the last person left who loves Noah as the rest of their family have turned their backs on her. Minna, whom I dislike so much is a hard woman, whose one redeeming quality, I feel is her intense love for her family even if it is slightly misdirected. After Roley's death she becomes even worse, directing all her anger at Noah.

I really enjoy Lainey as a character, I feel she inherited the best from her parents and I'm glad that she didn't let the horrible circumstances in her life turn her bitter or cruel, at least yet. I feel she's really bright and lively, and her voice is really the only one I enjoy reading.

There is only so many chapters left and I feel that this book is going to make me sad, I really don't think their can be any happy ending which, I suppose from the start I kind of felt would occur.
I am definitely interested though to see how it ends.

Sorry for the sloppy review! I will try harder next week for the final chapters.


  1. For me Minna is the most difficult character, but I like how you point out that at least she is loyal, even if misdirected. I find it hard to see even that. I have my fingers crossed for Lainey too, hopefully she will come out of all of this okay.

  2. Yes, thanks for pointing that out, as I have really disliked Minna. Lainey is the one hope for the women in this novel. I am almost afraid to read the final chapters in case it doesn't work out for her.

  3. Great points you've raised, I'm also really feeling nervous for Lainey!
