Friday, February 17, 2012

Just a quick post explaining things
So I finished VCE and year 12, and got the score I wanted so I am now going to attend my dream school, Melbourne University this year, doing an arts degree. Unfortunately, soon after I finished school I became severely depressed.I haven't been doing anything I used to lately including looking at blogs, posting or even reading books. I really wanted to post but I just haven't had the energy. Again, unfortunately I have not fully recovered and so instead of saying nothing, I wanted to tell you all where I have been and why I haven't been posting. I have come to the conclusion, that instead of posting sporadically whenever I can muster the energy, I will take a break from blogging, although to be honest I wasn't doing it much before. I can blame a lot of things but honestly it came down to me, and I just didn't step up. So, hopefully I can beat this, and come back refreshed and finally start being a true blogger. I'm not sure how long I will be gone, but I will still be reading you're blogs and commenting!
So that's it, bye for now :)