Friday, May 6, 2011

It's Not Okay

Hi everybody
So this isn't anything book related but something happened to me today and I thought I might feel better if I write about it.
So this week I've been having a bad week, I had a lot of tests and work so I was really stressed. I made a bad mistake when I was driving (I got my L Plates three months ago:D), I haven't been getting much sleep since I've been studying and I just felt horrible. So many times I felt like crying and I was just holding out for the weekend so I could relax and sleep in and have some fun.

Then today in advisory class for no absolute reason some boys started throwing paper at me and my friends, probably because we're nerds( by the way I love the fact that I'm a nerd!), but me in particular . Now, they have done this before and before I have ignored it but today I had just had enough. So I turned around and asked them to stop and of course they acted like idiots and claimed they weren't doing anything and why was I picking on them.
 I figure they're not going to be reasonable (which is pretty sad since were in year 12, you would think that they would have matured somewhat), so I turn around, ignore them and try to concentrate on work. But they continue to throw paper and by now my friends are trying to help me by telling them to stop. Then they come up to me, pretend to get my name wrong and ask me if I have any spare paper. So I tell them to basically back off, to put it nicely.

So by now I'm close to breaking down and yelling at them and they have made me swear which if you knew me, you would know that I never swear. Of course they find my annoyance hilarious and increase their efforts. So finally I stand up and march to the teacher prepared to tell him, they go silent and pretend to work. But when I speak to him I figure it won't make a difference so I ask to go to the toilet and once I get their I start to cry, I know your thinking you should have told him but just read the rest and you'll see what happened.
So I got to the toilets and I just broke down, normally I wouldn't let this affect me but it's been a hard week and I'm so sick of being at school. But I can't stay in there because class is finished and I need to get my things, so I head back and its obvious I've been crying. And then- and this was the worst- I heard them say "she went to the bathroom to cry" and they laughed. I couldn't believe it, they actually laughed because they made someone cry.

So I compose myself and decide that I'm going to tell the teacher. I go up to him, tell him and this is what he says to me "I know".
He knew! and he didn't do anything to stop it. He said he talked to one of them and he denied it. So basically he couldn't and didn't even try to do anything. I just stood there shocked and nearly started to cry again. Luckily I have the best friends ever. I walked back and sat with them. They gave me a hug, told me that those boys will be working for me one day or at a coles for the rest of their lives and while that may sound mean and be untrue it made me feel better. I put on Loser like me from Glee and told myself that karma will get them and that after this year I will never have to see them again.

Wow, that did make me feel better. So what I want to say now is that that was an isolated incident. I can't even imagine how people who were bullied everyday or even more than once feel. If anyone out there were bullied ever and made it through I have nothing but respect for you, I know know first hand at least a part of how it must feel.
I know everybody says this but it's true, you never know how something will affect someone. This incident wasn't even that bad and those boys may have not meant their actions maliciously or wanted to cause me to cry but because of my bad week I did and I felt horrible. I'm sure everyone's had that bad day, where something happens and it's not even that bad but it just makes everything 10 times worse or it's your breaking point. This is how bullying can lead to kids making bad decisions, you may just do something to them once and it could push them over.Read 13 Reasons by Jay Asher, it really gives you an insight into this.

Okay rant over, sorry for this rambling post but I just had to write it and it made me feel tons better.Here is Loser Like Me by the Glee cast, it's such an awesome song that has great lyrics. Byes!


  1. I'm sorry to hear you've had such a crappy week. I promise you, life gets better after high school, I speak from experience.

    Some high school boys really are immature and they are only being mean to make themselves feel better, which I'm sure you know, but it doesn't make it ok. That teacher really should have done something.

    Your friends will get you through the rest of the year, only six months left(!) whenever things feel like crap. And ranting always helps :)

    My friends and I love that we are nerds too and I totally love that Glee song.

    I hope you have a nice, fun, relaxing weekend. Feel better xxx

  2. Thanks for you comment:D I really appreciate it and I'm glad to know that life gets better:P
