So it's been a while since I posted anything and I've kinda been silent on the comment front but I honestly didn't know that year 12 would be so full on so fast. I have so much homework that I haven't read a book for three weeks! For me at least I used to read a book every two days or at least once a week, it's quite depressing. Which also means I haven't had time to post but I'm hoping to change that.
So let me tell you what's been happening with life since my last post.The last week of holidays was spent finishing homework, getting school text books and trying to get in my last bit of lounging around before school started on a Friday (which is incredibly strange and pointless in my opinion).
So I went to school and did the whole back to school catch up with friends and teachers. Then on Monday I went on a study camp for three days. We stayed at Ballarat University in campus housing to get a small taste of uni life I suppose. It was actually ok, we got out own rooms with electronic locks and the food was actually edible! (some camps that I've been to have had caterpillars in the sandwiches......)
We had heaps of motivational speakers telling us that we need to figure out what we want to do with life and that if we put in the effort we could achieve high ENTER scores . Then on the Tuesday they went over our schools previous scores and basically said it's incredibly hard. So they psyched us up and then kinda shot us down. For next years camp perhaps they should rethink the order. Overall the best part was hanging out with my friends, because really this was the last time that I get to go to a school camp with my them:(
After my camp we got back and it was an overload of work. Everyday since then I've had hours of homework plus the extra reading and work they suggest you do to get top marks. Even when I've done all my homework (which I haven't yet) I'm sure I will feel guilty about not doing extra study which you can do endless hours of. I have yet to find a balance between study and fun which is why I have to create a study schedule. Hopefully this will let me have time to read and work on my blog without feeling guilty about not studying.
Currently I'm reading Skulduggery Pleasant by Derek Landy which was recommended to me by Jess from the Tales Compendium. I've only read three chapters but oh my gosh I already know I want to buy the book! That will be my next review.
But enough about me, tell me what have you all been up to, anything important happen to you guys lately? I'd love to hear it or just tell me how your Valentines day went.